duminică, 6 aprilie 2014

Review/Recenzie - Wicked Games by Sean Olin

To all the locals in the small beach town of Dream Point, Carter and Lilah seem like the perfect It Couple-but their relationship is about to brutally unravel before everyone's eyes.

Carter has always been a good guy, and while Lilah has a troubled past, she's been a loyal girlfriend for the last four years. When smart, sexy Jules enters the picture at a senior-year bash, Carter succumbs to temptation. And when Lilah catches wind of his betrayal, she decides that Jules needs to pay.

By the end of the summer, the line between right and wrong will be blurred beyond recognition. Blood will be shed. Nothing in Dream Point will ever be the same.

This juicy summer read will keep readers turning pages until the shocking, nail-biting finale.


When I saw this cover I thought that it was one of that sweet, cute/hot romances, but it wasn't. After I read the synopsis I knew that I wanted to read it, because it sounded intriguing, fast paced, with action and a little bit of crazyness. If you like contemporary, light reads, but also kind of revenge stories, then this is for you.

I read it in a couple of hours and the suspense kept me glued to the pages, because this characters... Lilah, as evil and crazy as she is, is such a smart and powerful character. And some of you may ask me how I could liked her? Why I liked her? Yes, she's kind of crazy, and so full of rage, and maybe she shouldn't go that far, but... I don't know, the story was so good, and she was a well created character and I liked her, for what she was. And Carter, really, I didn't liked him. I mean, kind of, was his fault, he wanted too much... 

Guys, you may not know, but I like evil guys, or girls, and how they think and use their imagination to get revenge. And this book was such a good one. I think Lilah is now one of my favorite crazy-evil characters. Because she did anything to get what she wanted, she didn't back off, even when everybody thought that she left, and they could live happyly ever after. 

Jules, I don't know, at first I liked her, but after some time for me she looked kind of weak. I expected her to fight back, but she kind of didn't, she needed help form others and in front of the tsunami Lilah... was kind of hard. 

Especially in the second part of the book, when the story got even crazier and I was smiling like crazy here, because I was on the edge of the chair and I wanted so bad to know what was going to happen. And the end, guys. The end of the book! It took me by surprise, because I thought that the all bad ended. And then bam! I can't wait for the next one. 

So, if you like this kind of books, read it; it's like a rollercoaster that which, with every chapter is going faster, and faster...until you forget to breath.



Cand am vazut prima data coperta, am crezut ca-i iar unul din acele romane dulci, romantice/hot, dar nu era asa. Dupa ce-am citit descreierea am stiut ca vreau s-o citesc, pentru ca suna intrigant, plina de suspans, cu multa actiune si un mic strop de nebunie. Daca va plac contemporary, romanele de vara, dar si povestile cu razbunari, atunci si aceasta va va placea.

Am citit-o in cateva ore si suspansul m-a tinut mereu lipita de pagini, pentru ca aceste personaje... Lilah, asa rea si nebuna cum e, e asa de isteata si puternica. Multi ma veti intreba cum imi poate placea de ea. Sau de ce-mi place. Da, poate e nebuna, insa asa plina de furie... si da, poate nu trebuia sa mearga asa de departe, dar. Sincer nu stiu, povestea a fost foarte buna si ea a fost un personaj bine conturat, si mi-a placut. Iar Carter... de el nu prea mi-a placut. Adica, intr-un fel, a fost vina lui, pentru ca n-a stiut cu adevarat ce vrea...

Poate nu stiti, dar imi plac mult tipii rai, sau fetele rele, si cum isi folosesc imaginatia ca sa se razbune. Iar aceasta carte a fost una perfecta. Cred ca Lilah este acum unul din personajele mele nebune si rele preferat. Pentru ca a facut orice ca sa ia ce-si doreste, nu  a dat inapoi, chiar si cand toti credeau ca a cedat, si ca vor trai fericiti pentru totdeauna.

Jules, nu stiu, la inceput mi-a placut de ea, dar apoi mi s-a parut fragila. M-asteptam sa atace si ea, dar nu prea a facut-o, mereu a avut nevoie de ajutor din exterior, si-n fata lui Lilah...a fost cam dificil.

In special, in cea de-a doua parte a cartii, cand povestea devine si mai nebuneasca, iar eu zambeam p-aici, pentru ca eram pe marginea scaunului, asteptand sa vad ce urmeaza sa se mai intample. Iar finalul! Finalul! M-a luat prin surprindere, pentru ca ajunsesem sa cred ca totul se terminase. Si apoi bam! Abia astept urmatorul volum.

Deci, daca va plac astfel de carti, atunci cititi-o; este ca un rollercoaster care, cu fiecare capitol merge si mai repede, si mai repede...pana cand nu mai poti respira.


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